Paul Nabosnyi

I am Paul and together with my wife, Hristina, we love travelling. I am originally from Romania. I am a sales professional. We enjoy city breaks and long haul destinations. We also like cooking and my passion is baking! In order to burn the calories from all that eating (hehe) we also cycle. If you want to connect please follow me on: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Linkedin and Pinterest.

Romanian Parliament


If there was a city more mistaken for another, it would be Bucharest. Yes – what a way to start this article! During Michael Jackson’s visit in 1992, he greeted the crowd thinking he’s in Budapest. Looking back at the many artists that followed him – Metallica, Iron Maiden and Ozzy Osbourne, they all thought

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Saint Alexander Nevsky Patriarch’s Cathedral


Going through past memories, Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria is one destination you remember with pleasure. Walking down the narrow but intriguing streets or enjoying a coffee on Vitosha boulevard are just some of the things travellers will be reminded with pleasure. Conquered by the Romans in 29 BC from the celts, Serdica as it

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Empire State Building view

New York

Where do we even start? “New York, New York, ♫♫♫” – you can even hear Frank Sinatra singing it just like he did back in the 1980s. Discover in this article amazing attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in New York City from City Hall Station to The Statue of Liberty. This visit

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Independence Hall


Looking back at many of the Diners Drive-ins and Dives, we always knew Philadelphia was going to be a promising trip, not only because of its Philly Cheesesteak sandwich but because of the history and heritage this city has to offer to the U.S. This visit was part of our trip on the East Coast

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